

A lock keeps things closed. It keeps people from opening something, such as a door or a box. Keys open locks. Sometimes an electronic card or secret numbers ...

Lock - The Nightmare Before Christmas Wiki

Lock is one of the three secondary antagonists. He is and part of the trick-or-treating trio and henchman for Oogie Boogie alongside Shock and Barrel.

LOCK Definition & Meaning

verb (used with object) · to fasten or secure (a door, window, building, etc.) · to shut in a place fastened by a lock or locks, as for security or restraint.

Lock Definition & Meaning

LOCK meaning: 1 : a device that keeps something (such as a door, window, or box) from being opened and that is usually opened by using a key; 2 : an area in ...

LOCK in Traditional Chinese

lock noun (FASTENER) · She eased the key into the lock, anxious not to wake anyone. · If the lock has frozen up, try lubricating it with oil.

LOCK | English meaning

2024年6月12日 — to be or hold something in a position or condition where movement, escape, or change is not possible: [ T ] ...

Lock, Shock, and Barrel | Disney Wiki

Walt Disney World. Lock, Shock, and Barrel serve as minor villains in Disney's Hollywood Studios' holiday show, Jingle Bell, Jingle BAM!, where they kidnap ...


LockPickingLawyer is an American YouTuber known for picking various locks on camera, and reviewing their effectiveness while pointing out security flaws.


Alockkeepsthingsclosed.Itkeepspeoplefromopeningsomething,suchasadoororabox.Keysopenlocks.Sometimesanelectroniccardorsecretnumbers ...,Lockisoneofthethreesecondaryantagonists.Heisandpartofthetrick-or-treatingtrioandhenchmanforOogieBoogiealongsideShockandBarrel.,verb(usedwithobject)·tofastenorsecure(adoor,window,building,etc.)·toshutinaplacefastenedbyalockorlocks,asforsecurityorrestraint.,LOCKme...

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