
Windows 95

Graphical Linux with 2.4 kernel, Firefox 2.0 and more. Takes 1 minute to boot. ... Minimal Linux with busybox, Lua, tests, internet access, ping, telnet and curl.

Windows 95 Communication and Online Secrets

Learn how to use Windows 95 to easily and instantly communicate with the world. This one-of-a-kind resource digs deep into the communication powers of ...

Microsoft Windows 95

Microsoft Windows 95: Build 499. PCjs was the first to unearth this pre-release version of Windows 95 since its extremely limited test release back in June 1995 ...

Developing Online Help for Windows 95

An invaluable resource for developing Help for Windows 95 products, this book/disk combo offers practical guidance and specific techniques backed by clearly ...

用web 技術跑Windows 95

用web 技術跑Windows 95. https://github.com/felixrieseberg/windows95. 在社群看到有人分享,包成給Electron 執行. 大部份的工作則是在https://github.com/copy/v86 ...

Windows 95

Windows 95 is a consumer-oriented operating system developed by Microsoft as part of its Windows 9x family of operating systems. The first operating system ...


Windows 95 in Electron. Runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows ... Running in an online VM with Kubernetes and Gitpod. License. This project is ...

Windows 95 In Your Web Browser

2015年9月21日 — PCjs offers a variety of online machine emulators written in JavaScript. Run DOS, Windows, OS/2 and other vintage PC applications in a web ...

Windows 95 emulated in the browser via DOSBox

2021年3月26日 — Compact pre-installed Windows 95 hard disk image and AUTOEXEC.BAT file packaged for DOSBox, which runs in the browser thanks to hard work of ...


GraphicalLinuxwith2.4kernel,Firefox2.0andmore.Takes1minutetoboot....MinimalLinuxwithbusybox,Lua,tests,internetaccess,ping,telnetandcurl.,LearnhowtouseWindows95toeasilyandinstantlycommunicatewiththeworld.Thisone-of-a-kindresourcedigsdeepintothecommunicationpowersof ...,MicrosoftWindows95:Build499.PCjswasthefirsttounearththispre-releaseversionofWindows95sinceitsextremelylimitedtestreleasebackinJ...