Taskbar Does Not Hide When on Full



Taskbar Showing in Fullscreen? Here's how to fix it

2019年10月7日 — The taskbar overlaying on top of games, YouTube videos, and web browsers such as Chrome and Firefox is a common issue in Windows.

Taskbar sometimes shows up when clicking Full Screen on ...

2022年12月3日 — In Chrome, after clicking Full Screen on a YouTube video, sometimes the taskbar shows up.

Taskbar no longer hiding in full screen videos or fullscreen ...

2016年9月10日 — Try this: fullscreen the video you want, left click the opposite monitor's task bar, then you should be free to work on that monitor without the ...

Windows taskbar sometimes appears when watching ...

2022年12月9日 — When watching videos on fullscreen on websites such as YouTube, the videos tool bar (play/pause button, captions, etc) is sometimes covered ...

I want to watch YouTube but my task bar is covering the ...

2022年6月26日 — Yep, right click on the taskbar, select taskbar settings. You'll see what need to be checked to hide it now. Or. Run (WinKey+r): control > ...

taskbar appearing over Youtube videos in Windows 10

2017年9月6日 — Hi Joshua, Conflicts with the latest update is one of the possible reasons why the taskbar is appearing when you are watching videos in full ...


2019年10月7日—Thetaskbaroverlayingontopofgames,YouTubevideos,andwebbrowserssuchasChromeandFirefoxisacommonissueinWindows.,2022年12月3日—InChrome,afterclickingFullScreenonaYouTubevideo,sometimesthetaskbarshowsup.,2016年9月10日—Trythis:fullscreenthevideoyouwant,leftclicktheoppositemonitor'staskbar,thenyoushouldbefreetoworkonthatmonitorwithoutthe ...,2022年12月9日—Whenwatchingvideosonfullscreenon...