
20 Best Windows 10 Performance Tweaks For Better ...

Explore effective and efficient Windows 10 PC Performance Enhancement Tweaks to optimize the performance of your system in this tutorial.

Download MajorGeeks Windows Tweaks

MajorGeeks Windows Tweaks contains over 200 files, less than 3MB total, including Registry, PowerShell, Visual Basic, Shortcuts, and Batch Files to enable ...

Download Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4 for Windows 10

2022年6月22日 — The most popular tweaking software, Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4 for Windows 10 adds several new tweaks for the new operating system.

Ultimate Windows Tweaker Download Free

2024年7月1日 — This popular Windows tweaking software adds tweaks for the new operating system. Those of you who have upgraded to Windows 11, can use it to ...


Winaero Tweaker is a free app for all versions of Windows that lets you adjust (i.e. tweak) hidden secret settings that Microsoft does not let you adjust ...

Winaero Tweaker

It is an all-in-one application that comes with dozens of options for fine-grained tuning of various Windows settings and features. It also includes most ...

Windows 10 Performance Tweaks for PC Optimization

2024年1月29日 — Use MiniTool System Booster; Optimize Power Plan; Turn off Visual Effects; Enable Fast Startup; Turn off Search Indexing; Scan for Viruses and ...

Windows Repair FreePro

2023年10月12日 — Tweaking.com – Windows Repair is a tool designed to help fix a vast majority of known Windows problems, including; registry errors, file ...


A set of template-based automated scripts to debloat, disable telemetry and then reconfigure Windows 11 to be fit for a power-user.


ExploreeffectiveandefficientWindows10PCPerformanceEnhancementTweakstooptimizetheperformanceofyoursysteminthistutorial.,MajorGeeksWindowsTweakscontainsover200files,lessthan3MBtotal,includingRegistry,PowerShell,VisualBasic,Shortcuts,andBatchFilestoenable ...,2022年6月22日—Themostpopulartweakingsoftware,UltimateWindowsTweaker4forWindows10addsseveralnewtweaksforthenewoperatingsystem.,2024年7月1日—...