
win10 Home & Pro 的差異

您好,我想請教win10 Home & Pro 兩者最關鍵的差異是否在於「可否加入網域」這個項目呢? 對企業來說,讓員工使用win10 Home 的電腦會有什麼資安上的風險嗎?


【心得】Windows10/11各版本的用途解說(帶個人偏見) · 1、Windows10/11家用版(Home) · 2、Windows10/11專業版(Pro) · 3、Windows10/11工作站專業版(Pro for ...

Windows 10 家用版與專業版

Windows 10 家用版與專業版遵循新式生命週期原則。 Windows 10 將於2025 年10 月14 日終止支援。 目前的版本22H2 將會是Windows 10 的最終版本,而且在該日期前所有版本都 ...

What are the differences between Windows Home and Windows Pro?

Windows Home is a good choice for home use and Windows Pro is mainly suitable for business and heavy use.

Windows 10 Home vs. Pro: What's the Difference? - How

Compared to Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Home lacks BitLocker disk encryption, Remote Desktop support, group policy management, and a few other advanced security ...

The Difference Between Windows 10 Pro and Windows 10 Home

The primary difference is that Windows 10 Pro is designed for business settings, and Windows 10 Home is meant only for use in home environments.

Windows 10 Pro vs Home: What's the difference?

Windows 10 Home supports a maximum of 128GB of RAM, while Pro supports a whopping 2TB. However, unless you're running dozens of virtual machines, you're not ...

Whats the difference between home and pro version of windows?

In general windows pro version is geared towards business PCs and windows home version is geared towards the average user's pc.

What Are Main Differences Between Windows 10 Home & Pro?

The main differences are more available features in Pro vs Home, such as Local Group Policy Editor. You can compare the full feature differences below to help.

Windows 10家用版和專業版的分別? 為何要選擇商用電腦?

兼容性與性能上雖則並沒有太大差別,但視乎你的購買用途,家用版與專業版之間亦有很多功能差異,尤其為商業使用者內置了安全性、生產力和管理功能,為該群客戶節省時間、金錢和 ...


您好,我想請教win10Home&Pro兩者最關鍵的差異是否在於「可否加入網域」這個項目呢?對企業來說,讓員工使用win10Home的電腦會有什麼資安上的風險嗎?,【心得】Windows10/11各版本的用途解說(帶個人偏見)·1、Windows10/11家用版(Home)·2、Windows10/11專業版(Pro)·3、Windows10/11工作站專業版(Profor ...,Windows10家用版與專業版遵循新式生命週期原則。Windows10將於2025年10月14日終止支援。目前的版本22H2將會是Windows1...