
Troubleshooting Access Denied on SAMBA

Maybe your Windows host is prepending your username with the wrong domain name. From the Windows machine, try to login using localhost-simon as ...

Samba Shares in Windows

Every Samba Windows credentials example in the documentation shows an “Access Denied” error message below it. Neither the appliance or the shares are visible ...

SAMBA permission denied from Windows

I can see my share from Windows but error is You do not have permission to access... share etc.... So I'm guessing that my user has the rights to see the share ...

Access Denied when you access an SMB file share in Windows

This article helps fix the Access Denied error that occurs when you access a Server Message Block (SMB) file share.

存取伺服器訊息塊(SMB) 檔案共享時拒絕存取

當您嘗試透過SMB第2版通訊協定從Windows 系統存取位於網路設備(NetApp) Filer 或Windows Server 上的特定資料夾時,會拒絕存取。 此問題發生在下列版本的 ...

Access denied while accessing a public samba share on windows 10

I have ran into a problem where when I create the samba account access to all the shares are denied if your login as a samba user.

Access denied to Samba share from Windows 10 - linux

Entering the same username and password as the Samba user created with sudo smbpasswd -a benjamin (same as system user), I only get Access is Denied.

Cannot connect to file server: Access is Denied

Usually, the only way I can fix the issue is to unmap all of the network drives (10-12) and remap them! I've tried setting the server password ...

Help with Samba share and Windows 10

I had this issue last night. What fixed it for me was changing the user from pi to root (providing you had assigned a root password) then when I ...

SMB Share Access Denied on One Computer Windows 10

You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.


MaybeyourWindowshostisprependingyourusernamewiththewrongdomainname.FromtheWindowsmachine,trytologinusinglocalhost-simonas ...,EverySambaWindowscredentialsexampleinthedocumentationshowsan“AccessDenied”errormessagebelowit.Neithertheapplianceorthesharesarevisible ...,IcanseemysharefromWindowsbuterrorisYoudonothavepermissiontoaccess...shareetc....SoI'mguessingthatmyuserhastherightstoseetheshare .....