How to make application window always on top windows 7 or 8



can a window move above the top of screen in windows 7

2012年11月15日 — i need to be able to move open windows above the desktop in order to reach the ok button which is usually at to bottom of an open window.

Force a window to stay always on top in Windows 7

2013年6月24日 — 1 Answer 1 ... Windows 7 can't do that. But you can do it with a help of a program which is called Dexpot. Go and download Dexpot which is ...

Force a Window to Stay On Top of Other Windows

2011年2月2日 — Just run the utility, click the window you want to keep on top, then press Ctrl-Space. Presto! Repeat as necessary with any other windows you ...

How do I keep a window to always stay on top in windows 7?

2009年12月31日 — I'm trying to keep a window to stay always stay on top of all other windows in windows 7.I know how to do it in xp but how do I do it in 7?

How To Keep A Window Always on Top in Windows 7

2011年7月17日 — To make a window on top, simply drag the hand icon in the program and drop it on the program you want to stay on top. image thumb28 - How To ...

in windows 7 how do I set a window to "stay on top"?

2013年6月9日 — I want to have say 1- 2 apps in the foreground that don't disappear unless I close them and the rest in background - applications like IE or ...

Pin a Window in Windows 7

2012年8月21日 — How can I pin or stick a window so it stays on top of other windows, even when it loses focus? (3rd party software as an answer is ...

Windows 7 Snap, Peek and Shake

An open window on your desktop can be dragged to just beyond the top of the screen to maximize it by pointing to the top of the window and holding down the left ...


2012年11月15日—ineedtobeabletomoveopenwindowsabovethedesktopinordertoreachtheokbuttonwhichisusuallyattobottomofanopenwindow.,2013年6月24日—1Answer1...Windows7can'tdothat.ButyoucandoitwithahelpofaprogramwhichiscalledDexpot.GoanddownloadDexpotwhichis ...,2011年2月2日—Justruntheutility,clickthewindowyouwanttokeepontop,thenpressCtrl-Space.Presto!Repeatasnecessarywithanyotherwindowsyou ...,2009年12...

TurboTop 2.7 多視窗最上層管理工具

TurboTop 2.7 多視窗最上層管理工具
