
Swap File Requirement

I have a Z77/i7-3770/32GB system running Win 7 Ult 64 bit. I have never observed the swap file being used. Do I need one or can I disable it

Swap File and SSD vs Non-SSD performance

I've recently reinstalled my win 7 64bit OS on a new SSD and I'm trying to balance performance vs maintaining the longevtivity of my SSD.

Windows 7 Swapfile Size

8GB of RAM, has a recommended swapfile size of 12GB, and the hibernate file is 8GB... That's like 20GB of free space eaten up.

Windows 7 x64 Ultimate - Swap File

No, Windows has a swap file (page file/virtual memory) that it uses. As hard drives are actually slow compared to ram, the holy grail is to run without one.

How do I know how much swap is used on Windows 7?

The Commit numbers in Windows 7 Windows Task Manager include both the physical and the swap memory, and count the virtual memory that has been allocated.

Windows 7 reduce swap space on SSD

To change the size of your paging file, go to Control Panel -> System and Security -> System -> Advanced system settings (on the left) -> tab ...

Managing Virtual Memory Pagefile in Windows 7

The recommended minimum page file size should be 1.5X the current amount of RAM, and the maximum size should be 3X the minimum (see custom size ...

Recommended size of swap file with 4 GB ram

If you wish to create a custom paging file, then untick Automatically manage paging file size for all drives and click on Custom size:. Using ...

Windows 7 virtual memory performance optimization

If you want to move the page file to another drive, first select the original drive and then activate the No Paging File option to remove the ...

Windows 7 - Adjust the Virtual Memory Pagefile Setting ...

Windows 7 - Adjust the Virtual Memory Pagefile Setting And Increase Performance. Do you want to make sure that you are getting maximum ...

