
100 % disk usage in windows 8.1

2020年6月11日 — i have windows 8.1 and i am having the issue that whenever i turn on my laptop (Wndows 8.1 HP Pavillion core i7 8 GB RAM) and see the disk ...


2022年4月7日 — In this troubleshooting guide you 'll find the most common methods to resolve the High Disk Usage 100% issue on Windows 10 & 8.1 OS.

High disk usage due to ntrtscan.exe in Windows 8 or 8.1

The ntrtscan.exe process running on Windows 8 or 8.1 continuously access the hard disk. This causes extremely high disk usage and makes the computer unusable.

How to Fix 100% Disk Usage for Windows 8.1

Open up a run dialog by holding down the Windows Key and pressing R. In the Open field, enter services.msc. Look for Windows Search and Superfetch. Go ...

How to solve the 100% disk utilization problem in Windows ...

2019年4月12日 — First, you need to check if your computer has simply run out of storage. To do that, STEP 1:- Check to see if you have empty space in your ...

Windows 8 keeps slows down to 100% disk usage and ...

2013年1月23日 — Windows 8 keeps slows down to 100% disk usage and hangs. · 1. Go to Control Panel> All control panel items > System · 2. Click on Advanced ...

Windows 8.1 100% Disk Usage after reboot

2021年8月13日 — Use Task Manager (with full access to Processes tab by clicking More details if needed) and expand Service Host: Local System service.


2020年6月11日—ihavewindows8.1andiamhavingtheissuethatwheneveriturnonmylaptop(Wndows8.1HPPavillioncorei78GBRAM)andseethedisk ...,2022年4月7日—Inthistroubleshootingguideyou'llfindthemostcommonmethodstoresolvetheHighDiskUsage100%issueonWindows10&8.1OS.,Thentrtscan.exeprocessrunningonWindows8or8.1continuouslyaccesstheharddisk.Thiscausesextremelyhighdiskusageandmakesthecomputerunusable.,Openupa...