
File copy through firewall

In order to copy from windows ot windows you need to make a mapping I woyuld be using SMB/CIFS (TCP port 445) and with Linux NFS (Port 111 TCP and UDP, and ...

File Transfer using Secure Port - Windows

It runs on regular 443 instead of 445 and is probably exactly what you are looking for. You can keep using Robocopy as it will still work as ...


此外,若要在2008 及以上的Windows 容錯移轉叢集上成功驗證,請允許ICMP4、ICMP6 及連接埠445/TCP for SMB 的輸入和輸出流量。 ¹ 透過連接埠3343 的 ...

Service overview and network port requirements

This article discusses the required network ports, protocols, and services that are used by Microsoft client and server operating systems, server-based ...

How to find your port number

Go to “Protocol and Ports.” Choose the protocol (TCP or UDP) and add the port number into the “Specific Local Ports” section. You can find the list here.

Windows File Sharing with SMB

Port 445. In modern and supported versions of Windows, File and Printer Sharing services use TCP port 445 for direct TCP/IP communications.

what ports are required for copying file from one windows server to ...

137 -> udp 138 -> udp 139 -> tcp 445 -> udp & tcp.

What port or ports are used for File sharing in windows?

If the server has NBT enabled, it listens on UDP ports 137, 138, and on TCP ports 139, 445. If it has NBT disabled, it listens on TCP port 445 only.

Which protocol and port is used when I copy a file from one ...

Microsoft file sharing SMB: User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ports from 135 through 139 and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) ports from 135 through 139. Direct-hosted SMB traffic without a network basic input/output system (NetBIOS): port 445 (TCP and UPD)

What firewall ports are needed for Windows Copy? - Tek

The xcopy command uses. TCP 445 microsoft-ds but you may need some extra ports if you have to authenticate udp 137 nbname udp 138 nbdatagram


InordertocopyfromwindowsotwindowsyouneedtomakeamappingIwoyuldbeusingSMB/CIFS(TCPport445)andwithLinuxNFS(Port111TCPandUDP,and ...,Itrunsonregular443insteadof445andisprobablyexactlywhatyouarelookingfor.YoucankeepusingRobocopyasitwillstillworkas ...,此外,若要在2008及以上的Windows容錯移轉叢集上成功驗證,請允許ICMP4、ICMP6及連接埠445/TCPforSMB的輸入和輸出流量。¹透過連接埠3343的 ...,Thisarticledisc...