Using Windows Phone 8.1 for 8 Months...

CompleteWindowsPhonehackingtutorialinprogress!Yeah,wearemakingthis!Soidon'tneedtopostheremuchoften,hereis ...,YoucanbeginloadingAndroidappsonthephoneviaaUSBconnectiontoaPC.ThishackcametousviaWindowsCentralandReddit.,TheLumia905and905XLwerereveale...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Complete Windows Phone hacking tutorial in progress!

Complete Windows Phone hacking tutorial in progress! Yeah, we are making this! So i don't need to post here much often, here is ...

Finally Run Useful Apps On A Windows Phone

You can begin loading Android apps on the phone via a USB connection to a PC. This hack came to us via Windows Central and Reddit.

Hacking a 7-Year-Old Phone With WOA.

The Lumia 905 and 905 XL were revealed back in 2015 . That makes these phones over 7 1/2 years old right now. But with the help of some ...

how to stop a hack on my phone done through microsoft

I am currently being hacked and spied on. Everything on my phone is being sent to a personal computer and saved.

Phone Link Security breach.

This is a massive security breach, as it means a hacker into my PC has automatic access to texts and hence 2-factor authorisation into my personal accounts.

This may be Unpopular opinion, Windows Phone is still a viable Cell ...

This may be Unpopular opinion, Windows Phone is still a viable Cell Phone. I would say safe from Trackers/hacks. Discussion.

What are the latest hacks or tricks of a Windows phone 8.1 device?

1.) Keep your phone updated with pre release builds through Windows Phone Update App. 2) Invest some minutes in Cortana to understand what she ...

Windows Mobile Development and Hacking

Technical discussion of Windows Mobile development and hacking. No noobs please. Device-specific releases should go under appropriate device forum.

Windows phone 10 Tips and Tricks

Hello there everybody, and in this video we have 5 tips and tricks that might make your windows phone 10 experience just a bit more ...

Windows Phone 8 Development and Hacking

This forum is for all of your questions about the Windows Phone 8 Development and Hacking. If you need help troubleshooting a problem, please be as specific ...


CompleteWindowsPhonehackingtutorialinprogress!Yeah,wearemakingthis!Soidon'tneedtopostheremuchoften,hereis ...,YoucanbeginloadingAndroidappsonthephoneviaaUSBconnectiontoaPC.ThishackcametousviaWindowsCentralandReddit.,TheLumia905and905XLwererevealedbackin2015.Thatmakesthesephonesover71/2yearsoldrightnow.Butwiththehelpofsome ...,Iamcurrentlybeinghackedandspiedon.Everythingonmyphoneisbeingsenttoap...