
Can I create a self-extracting archive for Mac?

2011年7月28日 — In Windows I can create self-extracting archives, which end in exe instead of rar, and then you don't need to have an unarchiver available to ...

Extracting Windows executable installers on Mac OS X?

2012年8月26日 — Is there a program or a script out there to extract the contents of a Windows installer under Mac Os X? Under Windows there is the Universal ...

how do you guys open exe files on mac?

2021年1月12日 — Self-extracting archives can be extracted using an application like the Unarchiver or Keka. If you run a Windows VM in Parallels or VMware, ...

How to create a self extrator

A self extractor is an archive that contains a decryption engine built into it for easy extraction. This is useful for recipients who do not have an application ...

How to extract .exe on a Mac?

2013年5月1日 — If it isn't a self extracting zip file, you have to use some Windows emulation type software like noted by tompatrick. I would recommend ...

How To Open EXE Files on a Mac

2022年6月24日 — Opening EXE files using Boot Camp · Start by making sure you have the Windows 8, 8.1 or 10 installation file on your Mac device. · Click on the ...

I'm trying to open an .exe file, but I ke…

2019年1月19日 — ... Windows apps to create an .exe file that is a self extracting archive. ... Windows, CrossOver Mac, Wine, or similar software to open that file.

macos - Is it possible to open a self

2010年2月7日 — Ditto @RyanHennig -- I wanted to know how to open .sfx files on a Mac OSX system, and enabling executable mode on the file and running it from ...

Opening Zip Archive

2021年4月10日 — I see to it, that it's Windows Self-Extracting Archive. Can it only be opened on Windows? Or, I can download Windows tool on my MacBook? I ...


2011年7月28日—InWindowsIcancreateself-extractingarchives,whichendinexeinsteadofrar,andthenyoudon'tneedtohaveanunarchiveravailableto ...,2012年8月26日—IsthereaprogramorascriptouttheretoextractthecontentsofaWindowsinstallerunderMacOsX?UnderWindowsthereistheUniversal ...,2021年1月12日—Self-extractingarchivescanbeextractedusinganapplicationliketheUnarchiverorKeka.IfyourunaWindowsVMinParallelsorVMw...