Connecting to an iSCSI target with MS Windows

Fromthetileview,typeiscsiinitiatorandWindowswillautomaticallysearchit.ClickontheiSCSIInitiatoriconunderPrograms.TheMicrosoftiSCSIdialog ...,BelowyoucanfindstepsonhowtoconnectiSCSIinWindows2008/XP/WIN7.NOTEMicrosoftiSCSIInitiatorver.2.08doesnotsup...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Business Storage NAS

From the tile view, type iscsi initiator and Windows will automatically search it. Click on the iSCSI Initiator icon under Programs. The Microsoft iSCSI dialog ...

How to connect iSCSI in Windows 2008XPWIN7 - Open

Below you can find steps on how to connect iSCSI in Windows 2008/XP/WIN7. NOTE Microsoft iSCSI Initiator ver. 2.08 does not support dynamic disks.

Installing Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on Windows XP

Step 1: Welcome to Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Installer · Step 2: Installation Options · Step 3: View the License Agreement · Step 4: Installation Progress.

Installing Windows XP 2003 directly to an iSCSI target

Method #1: Integrating to an iSCSI disk containing Windows setup · 1. Create a new disk on your iSCSI target. · 2. Create a primary partition on ...

Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator

Anyone have a copy of the Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator Version 2.08 or know where it can be downloaded from?

Microsoft iSCSI 軟體目標3.3 限制

支援. 在Windows XP、Windows Vista 或Windows 7 上安裝Microsoft iSCSI 軟體目標3.3 嵌入式管理單元, 不支援. 在x86 版本的Windows Storage Server 2008 ...

windows XP 使用iscsi 遠端無碟啟動remote boot

接就是要驗證iscsi initiator 的部分,這個是用來連接iscsi target 的工具程式 * iscsi initiator 微軟出的 ...


由於我有台電腦是XP,要連接到QNAP 的iSCSI 已經於XP安裝Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator 安裝的版本是Initiator-2.08-build3825-x86fre.exe

[EPUB] ??Microsoft Windows XP iSCSI???MDSIPS-8

在MDS 9000上建立iSCSI配置之前,需要安裝與運行Microsoft Windows XP的PC相容的iSCSI驅動程式。 ... show iscsi initiator — 顯示iSCSI啟動器資訊。 show iscsi initiator ...

連接iSCSI 啟動器

Microsoft Windows 電腦上的軟體程式,可讓您將用戶端電腦(即執行應用程式的電腦,其資料要寫入閘道) 連接至外部i SCSI型陣列(即閘道)。使用主機電腦的乙太網路轉接卡建立連 ...


Fromthetileview,typeiscsiinitiatorandWindowswillautomaticallysearchit.ClickontheiSCSIInitiatoriconunderPrograms.TheMicrosoftiSCSIdialog ...,BelowyoucanfindstepsonhowtoconnectiSCSIinWindows2008/XP/WIN7.NOTEMicrosoftiSCSIInitiatorver.2.08doesnotsupportdynamicdisks.,Step1:WelcometoMicrosoftiSCSIInitiatorInstaller·Step2:InstallationOptions·Step3:ViewtheLicenseAgreement·Step4:InstallationProgress.,...