
3 easy ways to enable or disable hidden administrator ...

Enable administrator account in Windows 8/8.1 from Local Security Policy · 1. Press Windows + R to open Run box. · 2. Type in secpol.msc, and press Enter to ...

How to activate administrator account by local user in ...

2016年10月11日 — I'm a local user with administrator account on a Windows 8.1. How can I identify if my computer is joined to a domain or Activate directory?

How to enable administrator in windows 8.1

2020年3月8日 — All of the suggestions that I have found to accomplish this task say to go into the User and Group drop down and go from there....please see ...

How to Enable and Disable Administrator Account on ...

2024年1月3日 — The command to enable the account is net user administrator /active:yes. So, input it in the window of Administrator: Command Prompt and press ...

How to Make a User Account an Administrator in Windows 8

Give any account full administrative privileges in minutesIn order to be able to do things like install any program in Windows 8, you must have an ...

How to setup and enable an Administrator Account ...

2024年2月7日 — This article provides information about how to enable and setup Administrator and User accounts on Windows 8 and 8.1.

Windows 8.1 如何使用系統管理員身分登入

2013年11月15日 — 請輸入指令: net user administrator /active:yes. 影像. 之後在使用者或是在登入畫面即可看到此帳戶唷. 影像 參考網址:http://7club.ithome.com ...

Windows 8.1

2024年3月19日 — To Open the Command Prompt as Administrator in Windows 8.1: · 1. Go to Windows 8.1 UI by pushing the Windows key on the keyboard. · 2. Type cmd ...


EnableadministratoraccountinWindows8/8.1fromLocalSecurityPolicy·1.PressWindows+RtoopenRunbox.·2.Typeinsecpol.msc,andpressEnterto ...,2016年10月11日—I'malocaluserwithadministratoraccountonaWindows8.1.HowcanIidentifyifmycomputerisjoinedtoadomainorActivatedirectory?,2020年3月8日—AllofthesuggestionsthatIhavefoundtoaccomplishthistasksaytogointotheUserandGroupdropdownandgofromthere....pleasesee ...,...