Top 5 Android Emulators for PC with Download Links

WindroyisanemulatorofAndroidmobileplatform.ItwasdevelopedbyChinesespecialistsandisthesmartestproductofthistype.,WindroyisafullportingofAndroidtoWindows,withthegoaltoextendAndroid'sapplicationscope.RunallyourAndroidappsandgamesonyourPCfora ...,評...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Windroy is an emulator of Android mobile platform. It was developed by Chinese specialists and is the smartest product of this type.

Download Windroy

Windroy is a full porting of Android to Windows, with the goal to extend Android's application scope. Run all your Android apps and games on your PC for a ...

Windroy download

評分 3.5 (4) · 免費 · Windows · Android emulator for both Home PCs and Laptops · Full-screen emulation of Android tablet experience · Stable and secure emulation of Android 4.0 ...


評分 3.4 (17) · 免費 · Windows Windroy是一款高效实用的应用程序,方便用户在个人电脑桌面上模拟Android操作系统。 整款应用工具最出色完美之处就在于其可以如模拟器一般工作,但是运行起来就好比真正 ...


Windroy is an emulator that allows for users to run Andriod apps from their Windows computer. Windroy opens a window that looks just like an Andriod phone ...


Windroy (WindowsAndroid) is a project that combines the functions of YouWave and Bluestacks, and attempts to emulate Android in Windows.

Windroy for Windows

評分 3.4 (17) · 免費 · Windows Windroy is a powerful application designed to simulate the Android operating system on your PC desktop.

version 4.0 information

評分 3.8 (229) · 免費 · Windows · Windroy is a full porting of Android to MS Windows solution, with the goal to extend Android's application scope.

Windroy 4.0.3

Windroy is an Android emulator created by Windroy, Inc. that allows users to run Android applications and games on their Windows computer. This software ...


WindroyisanemulatorofAndroidmobileplatform.ItwasdevelopedbyChinesespecialistsandisthesmartestproductofthistype.,WindroyisafullportingofAndroidtoWindows,withthegoaltoextendAndroid'sapplicationscope.RunallyourAndroidappsandgamesonyourPCfora ...,評分3.5(4)·免費·Windows·AndroidemulatorforbothHomePCsandLaptops·Full-screenemulationofAndroidtabletexperience·StableandsecureemulationofAndroid4.0 ...,評...