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Download WinLaunch

This highly-configurable app brings that style to your Windows machine without the crunchy fruit's price tag. WinLaunch lets you efficiently organize and access ...


macOS Launchpad for Windows. Contribute to MrC0rrupted/WinLaunch development by creating an account on GitHub.


A Mac OS X Lion launchpad for Windows. WinLaunch is a simple, free application that gives you a sleek Mac OS X Lion launchpad for your Windows desktop.


All your apps. All in one place. Download Source Code. 1; 2; 3. Previous; Next. Launch apps, files and links. Pin apps, files, directories or links and


Winlaunch is a versatile software application developed by Troupware that offers users a convenient way to streamline and optimize their workflow.

WinLaunch download

2023年11月6日 — Download WinLaunch for free. macOS Launchpad for Windows. WinLaunch provides a beautiful way to organize and access all of your important ...

讓Windows 變蘋果風格,令PC 好似手機平板電腦般直覺好用

2019年2月15日 — 建議勾選Start with Windows,令WinLaunch 可以在開機時自動啟動。 如果你的電腦屏幕是觸控式,建議你也勾選Enable touchscreen mode。這樣操作 ...


Allyourapps.Allinoneplace.DownloadSourceCode.,Thishighly-configurableappbringsthatstyletoyourWindowsmachinewithoutthecrunchyfruit'spricetag.WinLaunchletsyouefficientlyorganizeandaccess ...,macOSLaunchpadforWindows.ContributetoMrC0rrupted/WinLaunchdevelopmentbycreatinganaccountonGitHub.,AMacOSXLionlaunchpadforWindows.WinLaunchisasimple,freeapplicationthatgivesyouasleekMacOSXLionlaunchpadforyour...