How to Set Up Email Auto Replies in Outlook 2013 and 2016 ...

使用Outlook2013寄信時沒有附檔,但對方會收到內含winmail.dat檔案的信件,已參考過以下網頁操作,雖可解決問題, ...,TheWinmail.datfileisusedtopreserveRichTextformatting.OutlookusesitwhensendingaRichText-form...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Outlook 2013寄信時內含Winmail.dat檔案問題

使用Outlook 2013寄信時沒有附檔,但對方會收到內含winmail.dat檔案的信件,已參考過以下網頁操作,雖可解決問題, ...

Outlook 2013 has started sending attachments as winmail.dat.

The Winmail.dat file is used to preserve Rich Text formatting. Outlook uses it when sending a Rich Text-formatted message. During transport, the ...

Outlook 2013

可否用以下fix用在outlook2013: 在Outlook 2007 和2010 中將Winmail.dat 作為電子郵件附件傳送

Outlook 2013 pdf attachments end up as winmail.dat

The problem is this: I send e-mails using Outlook 2013 with common pdf attachments and they show up only as a winmail.dat file for the receiver.


Hello,i have following problem.I use Outlook 2013 and i have connected it with the webmail from my domain host (firestorm).

Receiving winmail.dat files from Outlook

I'm receiving winmail.dat files from an Outlook 2013 user running Windows 7 Professional, so I can't view the attachments he sends me, ...

oitlook 2013 收信時收不到附件

大家好我們公司發生一件有趣的問題,就是user使用outlook 2013收信時(請注意,不是寄信)如果附件是winmail.dat附件時會發生該郵件沒有附件,這個狀況只有該user電腦才會 ...

addressing winmail.dat in Outlook from receiver standpoint

The winmail. dat file is a container that holds all the attachments. In the body of the email, where the attachment is placed, there is some ...

How to Fix Outlook Winmail.dat Attachments Issue in Outlook 2010 ...

Fix Winmail.dat Outlook 2010, 2013, 2016 Using the MS Outlook Application; Resolve Outlook Winmail.dat Issue Using Windows Registry Editor.

OUTlook 2013 E

由於Microsoft 的Outlook 會將Mail 使用RTF 格式送出,所以只要使用非Outlook 的讀信軟體,就會看到一個winmail.dat 的附件(使用Live Mail則連winmail.dat的附件都看不見) , ...


使用Outlook2013寄信時沒有附檔,但對方會收到內含winmail.dat檔案的信件,已參考過以下網頁操作,雖可解決問題, ...,TheWinmail.datfileisusedtopreserveRichTextformatting.OutlookusesitwhensendingaRichText-formattedmessage.Duringtransport,the ...,可否用以下fix用在outlook2013:在Outlook2007和2010中將Winmail.dat作為電子郵件附件傳送