Winx Club - Season 5 Episode 9

TheGemofEmpathyistheninthepisodeofthefifthseasonofWinxClub.,TheWinxClubsetsouttosolvethemysteryofabeautifuljewelthatcarriesacurse!Later,anAlfeafairyaccidentallyconjuresupamonsterintheschool ...,MeettheWinxClub,agroupofbeautifulfairieswhofightevil...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Winx Club

The Gem of Empathy is the ninth episode of the fifth season of Winx Club.

WINX Club, Vol. 9: 9781421542065: VIZ Media, .

The Winx Club sets out to solve the mystery of a beautiful jewel that carries a curse! Later, an Alfea fairy accidentally conjures up a monster in the school ...

WINX Club, Vol. 5: 9781421541631: Media

Meet the Winx Club, a group of beautiful fairies who fight evil using their unique magical powers! As they battle scary monsters and troublemaking witches, the ...

Winx Club

... Winx will have to undertake a challenging mission: they will have to search for ... 此影片目前無法使用。 第 季第5 集9 - The Gem of Empathy. 2012年10月25日. 24 ...


TheGemofEmpathyistheninthepisodeofthefifthseasonofWinxClub.,TheWinxClubsetsouttosolvethemysteryofabeautifuljewelthatcarriesacurse!Later,anAlfeafairyaccidentallyconjuresupamonsterintheschool ...,MeettheWinxClub,agroupofbeautifulfairieswhofightevilusingtheiruniquemagicalpowers!Astheybattlescarymonstersandtroublemakingwitches,the ...,...Winxwillhavetoundertakeachallengingmission:theywillhavetosea...