Winx Club | The Tree of Life | Season 4 Episode 2

ThefourthseasonoftheanimatedseriesWinxClubairedfrom15Aprilto13November2009,consistingof26episodes.TheserieswascreatedbyIginio ...,TheWinxClubisback!Nowthey'llhavetoreachtheBelievixlevel,anewtransformationthatgranttheabilitytomakesomeonebelieveinm...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Winx Club (season 4)

The fourth season of the animated series Winx Club aired from 15 April to 13 November 2009, consisting of 26 episodes. The series was created by Iginio ...

Season 4 | Winx Club Wiki

The Winx Club is back! Now they'll have to reach the Believix level, a new transformation that grant the ability to make someone believe in magic.

Season 4 - Winx Club Wiki

The fourth season of Winx Club premiered in Italy on Rai 2 on April 15, 2009, and concluded its run on November 13, 2009. It premiered on Nickelodeon US, ...

Winx Club

The Winx girls return to Tir Nan Og; Nabu makes the ultimate sacrifice to save the kingdom; Aisha leaves the Winx Club and joins Nebula's army. Content ...


ThefourthseasonoftheanimatedseriesWinxClubairedfrom15Aprilto13November2009,consistingof26episodes.TheserieswascreatedbyIginio ...,TheWinxClubisback!Nowthey'llhavetoreachtheBelievixlevel,anewtransformationthatgranttheabilitytomakesomeonebelieveinmagic.,ThefourthseasonofWinxClubpremieredinItalyonRai2onApril15,2009,andconcludeditsrunonNovember13,2009.ItpremieredonNickelodeonUS, ...,TheWinxgirlsre...