
Alfea Greenhouse | Winx Club Wiki

The Secret Greenhouse appears to be covered by a large, stainless glass dome. Inside the greenhouse are various breeds of plants, many of which span from ...

The Secret Greenhouse (2014)

Winx Club (2004)

The Secret Greenhouse - Winx Club (2004)

Selina pretends to be an ally as the Winx search for a flower, and her tricks nearly leads Bloom to poison Flora.Selina pretends to be an ally as the Winx ...

The Secret Greenhouse

S6 E10: Selina poses as an ally while the Winx track down Eldora's favourite flower, but when the greenhouse plants attack, Selina deceives Bloom and puts ...

Winx Club

The Secret Greenhouse is the tenth episode of the sixth season of Winx Club. Back at Alfea, Selina poses as an ally to the Winx as they track down ...


TheSecretGreenhouseappearstobecoveredbyalarge,stainlessglassdome.Insidethegreenhousearevariousbreedsofplants,manyofwhichspanfrom ...,WinxClub(2004),SelinapretendstobeanallyastheWinxsearchforaflower,andhertricksnearlyleadsBloomtopoisonFlora.SelinapretendstobeanallyastheWinx ...,S6E10:SelinaposesasanallywhiletheWinxtrackdownEldora'sfavouriteflower,butwhenthegreenhouseplantsattack,SelinadeceivesB...