Datasmith Direct Link Workflows in Editor



Getting a Conversion error between a longint field and SQL int field

Hello,. We have a workflow that pulls in a ck number from quick fields, then goes off to find the vendor that matches it.

Conversion Errors

How do you get rid of conversion errors? My workflow works fine as well as my conversions, but I keep getting error notifications.

'Conversion Error' Exception in workflow

Solved: Hi, I'm getting an 'Conversion Error' exception when I'm executing the workflow. The exception comes from the class method.

Conversion errors | Entities | 0.51.1-preview.21 - Unity

Improper usage of the Conversion Workflow can lead to some confusing problems. This page explains how to identify problems and debug the conversion process, ...

Conversion Errors

Conversion errors are reported when Alteryx cannot convert data from one field type to another. You can set a threshold for the number of Conversion errors ...

Workflows error messages

Any error that you encounter in a flow depends on the event, action, or function card that caused it. There are several scenarios in which an error may occur.

Unable to convert lead that is in use by workflow.

This error appears if any of the following conditions are met: There is a time-based workflow action pending that is related to the Lead.

Failed while Processing Workflow(s) for conversion ...

ERROR: Failed while Processing Workflow(s) for conversion while converting workflow in CDI-PC. Published Date : Apr 2, 2024 | 000219824 ...

Oracle Workflow : OAUTH Numeric Or Value Error

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps: 1. Login to EBS Applications 2. Navigate to Oracle Diagnostics > Oracle Workflow > Service ...

How to fix conversion error. : rworkflow

Every time I try, I get an error that says, Conversion Error: Encode Media failed because workflow couldn't convert from Text to Media. I ...

