
Is the DLCseason pass for Xenoblade Chronicles 2 worth it?

2019年3月12日 — Absolutely worth it. You get a bunch of extra blades that are really useful, you get some extra overdrive protocols for more customization, plus ...

Sales on the expansion passes?

2022年8月15日 — There was once a sale for Xenoblade 2's expansion pass in Winter 2020, not sure if there's been one since. If you're talking about Xenoblade ...

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Expansion Pass

You'll gain access to some titanic new content, including new Rare Blades such as Shulk and Fiora, bonus items, new quests, Challenge Battle mode, and the new ...

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Expansion Pass (DLC) Nintendo ...

If you own the Xenoblade Chronicles™ 2 game and buy this Expansion Pass, you'll gain access to some titanic new content, including new Rare Blades such as Shulk ...

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Expansion Pass DLC

5 天前 — With the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Expansion Pass DLC, available on Keycense at a discounted price, you can immerse yourself in new quests, ...

Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Expansion Pass

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 full game required; Helpful items for your adventure (starting Decemer 2017), New quests for the main game (starting January 2018), ...

Xenoblade Chronicles™ 2 Expansion Pass

You'll gain access to some titanic new content, including new Rare Blades such as Shulk and Fiora, bonus items, new quests, Challenge Battle mode, and the new ...


2019年3月12日—Absolutelyworthit.Yougetabunchofextrabladesthatarereallyuseful,yougetsomeextraoverdriveprotocolsformorecustomization,plus ...,2022年8月15日—TherewasonceasaleforXenoblade2'sexpansionpassinWinter2020,notsureifthere'sbeenonesince.Ifyou'retalkingaboutXenoblade ...,You'llgainaccesstosometitanicnewcontent,includingnewRareBladessuchasShulkandFiora,bonusitems,newquests,ChallengeBattlemod...