
2023 Yamaha Golf-Car Drive2®

Drive2 QuieTech EFI boasts the lowest decibel output of any gas car and features the industry's first-ever Independent Rear Suspension on a golf car. This ...

Commercial Golf Carts

With Yamaha, you can expect the most comfortable and luxurious ride, every time. With industry-leading Drive2 features including the widest seats on the market, ...

Golf Car

An easy choice when luxury, performance and value are important. That is the Yamaha golf car.

Golf Cars

Discover the Yamaha Lightweight Vehicles overview, including Golf Fleet, Commercial & Personal Transportation.

Personal Drive 2

Storage Bin with No-slip Mat · MOTOR:48-volt AC Motor · OUTPUT RATING:6.7 hp (5.0 kW) · MOTOR CONTROL UNIT:Toyota® Industries-built motor controller unit.


YAMAHA 是GOLF CAR 的最佳選擇,在各種地形的高爾夫球場,都能讓你舒適地享受打球的樂趣,不管是高度起伏大的地形、車道長度較長的路線,高爾夫球車的Hi Power 絕對是對應 ...


Drive2QuieTechEFIboaststhelowestdecibeloutputofanygascarandfeaturestheindustry'sfirst-everIndependentRearSuspensiononagolfcar.This ...,WithYamaha,youcanexpectthemostcomfortableandluxuriousride,everytime.Withindustry-leadingDrive2featuresincludingthewidestseatsonthemarket, ...,Aneasychoicewhenluxury,performanceandvalueareimportant.ThatistheYamahagolfcar.,DiscovertheYamahaLightweightVehiclesover...