
在App Store 上的「Yandex Browser」

評分 4.8 (207) · 免費 · iOS Yandex Browser — a quick and safe browser with voice search. Protect your personal data when using public Wi-Fi networks and stay away from harmful or ...

Yandex Browser on the App Store

評分 4.7 (23,800) · 免費 · iOS A quick and safe browser with voice search. Protect your personal data when using public Wi-Fi networks and stay away from harmful or fraudulent pages.

Yandex Browser with Protect

評分 4.3 (2,740,707) · 免費 · Android Yandex Browser — stylish and secure, with voice search and data compression. Get rid of annoying ads on websites by integrating third-party blocking apps ...

Yandex Start

評分 4.4 (1,956,052) · 免費 · Android Yandex Start translates entire sites, individual sentences, or even text in images from more than a hundred different languages. Translate and dub videos: Find ...

Apple's US App Store Offers Russia's Yandex in 45 Separate Apps

Apple has cut business ties with Russia, but its App Store still hosts 45 apps by Yandex, the Russian internet giant that's been accused of censorship about ...

Yandex Store - Android App - Download

評分 3.3 (60) · 免費 · Android Hinter dem kostenlosen Yandex.Store verbirgt sich ein alternativer App-Markt für Ihr Android-Smartphone, der vor allem mit Sicherheit punkten möchte.

Do most Russians use Yandex app store or Google Play ...

I'd like to know if yandex app store is widely used in Russia, or you guys use mostly Google play store?

Installation and update | The Yandex app

Installing the app «Yandex» is a free app. Download from the official store. Update the app The device's operating system automatically detects app updates.

Installation and account management

?Yandex» is a free app. Download from the official store. Update the app. The device's operating system automatically detects app updates and ...

Yandex — a fast Internet search

Yandex finds anything: webpages, images, music, good. Solve any problem — from everyday to a scientific one. Search by text, voice or image. Yandex Games · Yandex Mail · Yandex Disk · Yandex 360


評分4.8(207)·免費·iOSYandexBrowser—aquickandsafebrowserwithvoicesearch.ProtectyourpersonaldatawhenusingpublicWi-Finetworksandstayawayfromharmfulor ...,評分4.7(23,800)·免費·iOSAquickandsafebrowserwithvoicesearch.ProtectyourpersonaldatawhenusingpublicWi-Finetworksandstayawayfromharmfulorfraudulentpages.,評分4.3(2,740,707)·免費·AndroidYandexBrowser—stylishandsecure,withvoicesearchanddatacompressi...