Grass toucher? I hardly even




YOICKS的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a word traditionally shouted to encourage a group of dogs hunting a fox (= an animal of the dog…。了解更多。


YOINK的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to take something quickly, usually without permission: 2. an expression used by some people…。了解更多。

What does yoink mean ? Definition

Yoink means to take something with stealth, speed, and finesse. It can also be a slang term for an ordinary person with nothing to recommend them.


Coined by writer George Meyer for the TV show The Simpsons; perhaps from yank, or imitative of the sound effect (a quick upward slide on a violin) that ...

【情報】《英雄聯盟》解密檔案- 隱藏事件(上) @英雄 ...

其實達瑞文在接到自己的飛斧時就會說幾句台詞,不過「Yoink.」和「Nice ... 」這兩句特殊的嘲諷台詞,意思就是「夜曲你看看你!這下子換你看不 ...

擬態詞vs. 狀聲詞,7 個常見的英文擬態詞! - 樂學舍

英文的擬態詞. 1. Yoink. 指不經他人允許迅速地拿去或奪走東西。 ‍ :That seagull just yoinked ...

What does Yoink mean? I've heard some streamers ...

What does Yoink mean? I've heard some streamers saying “yoink” while they playing games. I'm not sure if it's the correct spelling tho.

Yoink是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)(英文)的問題

Yoink的意思Yoink could be the noun or verb version of the onomatopoeia for taking away something, or pulling something away rapidly.


yoink是漫画中的拟声词,是快速抓取别人东西时的声音。你可以在Google Image里搜索就能看到相应的图片。 希望采纳~这是一个英语的拟声词 ...全文.

Yoink 这个词什么意思,请帮我详细解释一下,谢谢。

【词语】:典型【注音】:diǎn xíng 【释义】:①具有代表性的人或事:焦裕禄是优秀干部的典型。②有代表性的:很典型。③即“典型人物”、“典型形象”或“典型性格”。指作者用典型化 ...

