
Find Devices

Find your Apple devices like iPhone, Apple Watch, AirPods and more with Find My. Play sound, activate Lost Mode, or locate devices from your Family Sharing ...

Link to Windows on the App Store

2024年4月23日 — Get instant access to everything you love on your phone, right from your PC. To get started, connect your iPhone with the Phone Link app on your Windows PC.

Move to iOS

When you choose to migrate your data, your new iPhone or iPad will create a private Wi-Fi network and find your nearby Android device running Move to iOS. After ...

Phone Link for iOS is now rolling out to all Windows 11 ...

2023年4月26日 — Phone Link for iOS requires iPhone with iOS 14 or higher, Windows 11 device, Bluetooth connection and the latest version of the Phone Link app.

Phone Manager (iOS)

Transfer data between your iPhone and PC. Manage photos, videos, music, contacts, WhatsApp messages, SMS and apps. Restore & backup your phone data.

Switch From iPhone to Android Seamlessly

Discover how Android makes it easy to switch from your current iPhone and transfer all existing data to your new Android phone securely & seamlessly.

Update your iPhone or iPad

2024年4月24日 — Go to Settings > General > Software Update. Tap Automatic Updates, then turn on Download iOS Updates. Turn on Install iOS ...

Windows 11版Phone Link終於支援iPhone

2023年4月27日 — 要使用Phone Link for iOS,iPhone必須安裝iOS 14以上版本,PC方面則尚不支援Windows 10。目前這項功能也還不支援iPad及Mac電腦。 未來幾周內這項功能可 ...

使用手機連結將您的Android 或iPhone 同步至Windows 電腦

「手機連結」需要下列各項才能運作:Phone Link for iOS 需要具備iOS 14 以上版本的iPhone®、Windows 11 裝置、藍牙連線和最新版本的「手機連結」應用程式。不適用於iPad® ...


FindyourAppledeviceslikeiPhone,AppleWatch,AirPodsandmorewithFindMy.Playsound,activateLostMode,orlocatedevicesfromyourFamilySharing ...,2024年4月23日—Getinstantaccesstoeverythingyouloveonyourphone,rightfromyourPC.Togetstarted,connectyouriPhonewiththePhoneLinkapponyourWindowsPC.,Whenyouchoosetomigrateyourdata,yournewiPhoneoriPadwillcreateaprivateWi-FinetworkandfindyournearbyAndroiddevicerunningM...