How to Enable Hardware Acceleration in Google Chrome

這個應用程序使您能夠:☆創建/修改/刪除館藏列表。☆集合渠道集合。一個頻道=幾個集合。☆添加自定義圖標集合。☆顯示來自館藏和頻道的最新視頻。☆自動同步您的收藏 ...,2022年8月25日—Supportsupto16xspeed.Forthosevideoswhere2xjustdoesn'tcutit.Madeandopenlysourc...。參考影片的文章的如下:


PocketTube: Youtube Manager

這個應用程序使您能夠: ☆創建/修改/刪除館藏列表。 ☆集合渠道集合。一個頻道=幾個集合。 ☆添加自定義圖標集合。 ☆顯示來自館藏和頻道的最新視頻。 ☆自動同步您的收藏 ...

Youtube Accelerator

2022年8月25日 — Supports up to 16x speed. For those videos where 2x just doesn't cut it. Made and openly sourced by Details.

YouTube Accelerator

What is YouTube Accelerator? YouTube Accelerator is a Chrome extension that allows users to speed up or slow down YouTube videos using keyboard shortcuts.

Youtube Accelerator for Google Chrome

2023年9月10日 — Youtube Accelerator is a Chrome add-on that allows you to set custom playback speeds on your Youtube videos. Whether you want to watch a video ...

YouTube Accelerator

Accelerate your YouTube videos even faster! ... YouTube Accelerator is available for download. It had 251 weekly active users before it was removed from Chrome ...

YouTube Ad Accelerator 3.1.1 CRX for Chrome

The chrome tool improves your YouTube viewing by automating ad skipping, muting & playback acceleration without blocking ad.

YouTube Ad Accelerator for Google Chrome

2023年11月29日 — A free program for Chrome, by Vatsalya Singhi. YouTube Ad Accelerator is a free program for Chrome, belonging to the category 'Add-ons & Tools'.


這個應用程序使您能夠:☆創建/修改/刪除館藏列表。☆集合渠道集合。一個頻道=幾個集合。☆添加自定義圖標集合。☆顯示來自館藏和頻道的最新視頻。☆自動同步您的收藏 ...,2022年8月25日—Supportsupto16xspeed.Forthosevideoswhere2xjustdoesn'tcutit.Madeandopenlysourcedby,WhatisYouTubeAccelerator?YouTubeAcceleratorisaChromeextensionthatallowsuserstospeeduporslowdownYouTubevid...