Audio Library 音樂庫無版權配樂免費背景音樂下載

2023年9月1日—Step1SelectYourYouTubeMusic·OpentheYouTubeMusicapponyourphone.·UseExploretosearchforyourpreferredmusic,artist,or ...,2020年4月8日—Whileyou'reinChrome,gototheYouTubewebsite.·Findthevideoyouwanttoplay·Taponthethreedotsintheupper-rightc...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How to Keep YouTube Music Playing in the Background

2023年9月1日 — Step 1Select Your YouTube Music · Open the YouTube Music app on your phone. · Use Explore to search for your preferred music, artist, or ...

How to play free YouTube music in the background on ...

2020年4月8日 — While you're in Chrome, go to the YouTube website. · Find the video you want to play · Tap on the three dots in the upper-right corner of the ...

Music Pro

Music Pro - Play Youtube in the background. The elegant and beautiful player that streams Youtube in the background without limits. Android v1.21.

Playback: background play

Playback - the ultimate music and video player browser app that allows you to listen to your favourite content while multitasking in floating ...


2023年9月1日—Step1SelectYourYouTubeMusic·OpentheYouTubeMusicapponyourphone.·UseExploretosearchforyourpreferredmusic,artist,or ...,2020年4月8日—Whileyou'reinChrome,gototheYouTubewebsite.·Findthevideoyouwanttoplay·Taponthethreedotsintheupper-rightcornerofthe ...,MusicPro-PlayYoutubeinthebackground.TheelegantandbeautifulplayerthatstreamsYoutubeinthebackgroundwithoutlimits.Androidv1.21.,Playback-t...