Audio Library — Music for content creators

SignintoYouTubeStudioinawebbrowser.Fromtheleftmenu,selectCreatorMusic.Findandpreviewtracks.Therearemultiplewaystofindyourfavorite ...,IntheAudioLibraryinYouTubeStudio,youcanfindroyalty-freeproductionmusicandsoundeffectstouseinyourvideos.Musicands...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Get started with Creator Music

Sign in to YouTube Studio in a web browser. From the left menu, select Creator Music . Find and preview tracks. There are multiple ways to find your favorite ...

Use music and sound effects from the Audio Library

In the Audio Library in YouTube Studio, you can find royalty-free production music and sound effects to use in your videos. Music and sound effects from the ...

Where do you find YouTube Creator Music?

2023年2月12日 — You can access Creator Music through the YouTube Studio. To do so, simply log in to your YouTube account, click on the YouTube Studio button ...


SignintoYouTubeStudioinawebbrowser.Fromtheleftmenu,selectCreatorMusic.Findandpreviewtracks.Therearemultiplewaystofindyourfavorite ...,IntheAudioLibraryinYouTubeStudio,youcanfindroyalty-freeproductionmusicandsoundeffectstouseinyourvideos.Musicandsoundeffectsfromthe ...,2023年2月12日—YoucanaccessCreatorMusicthroughtheYouTubeStudio.Todoso,simplylogintoyourYouTubeaccount,clickontheYouTubeStudiobut...