ArcoLinux : 671 use a gui for youtube



Install youtubedl-gui on Linux

A simple-to-use, cross-platform graphical interface for youtube-dl. Changes in version 3.0 almost 4 years ago (Built almost 3 years ago)

GitHub - jely2002youtube-dl

A cross-platform GUI for youtube-dl made in Electron and node.js. Features: Be sure to check out a demo gif of the application!


A cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl media downloader written in wxPython. Supported sites Screenshots


Description. A cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl written in wxPython. Screenshots. Downloads. Source (zip) · Source (tar) ...

yt-dlg | A cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube

yt-dlg is a cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl media downloader written in wxPython¹. It supports many sites² and allows you to download ...

FB 等網站影片和音樂的免費開源下載器(youtube

yt-dlg 可下載YouTube、FB 等網站影片和音樂的免費開源下載器(youtube-dl GUI). 點我前往yt-dlg ...

Can someone help me with the GUI version? How to download and ...

Just look for Download link for the latest version (64 bit) on the main page there, assuming you're using Windows 10. You just download it, extract it into a ...

usefullness of youtube-dl-gui : ryoutubedl

I like the idea of using a command-line program for downloading content. It would seem to be simpler in all respects, b/c and despite a GUI.

youtube-dl-gui 3.2.3 3.3.0 Beta Download Free

youtube-dl-gui is a video streaming downloader. This program simplifies the youtube-dl application by rg3, and gives it a user friendly interface for ...

開源線上影片下載工具youtube-dl gui

Youtube-dl Gui · 打開之後長這樣 · 使用前先設定下載位置 · 把要下載的影片網址貼這裡,一行一個影片 · 再來選要下載的格式,影片可以選webp, mp4,音樂可以 ...

