
YouTubeDoubler(http://youtubedoubler.com/)wasawebsitewhereanyonecouldembedtwoYouTubevideosintoawebpage.Eachvideocouldbesettostartata ...,r/youtubedoubler:Thebestplacetoshareyouryoutubemash-ups!Musicovertrailers,musicbehindspeeches,perfectlymatchi...。參考影片的文章的如下:


YouTube Doubler

YouTube Doubler (http://youtubedoubler.com/) was a website where anyone could embed two YouTube videos into a webpage. Each video could be set to start at a ...


r/youtubedoubler: The best place to share your youtube mash-ups! Music over trailers, music behind speeches, perfectly matching scenes, two vids for…

Video Doubler

Here you can create hilarious video mashups in minutes! Here's how it works: Choose two videos from different platforms (like YouTube, Daily Motion, Vimeo, ...

Waves Doubler

... youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmU_WKhWy-n1YogYT9gVCI-Ac0d-quxVg 2️⃣ Mixing & Mastering Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list ...

YouTube Doubler

Share your videos with friends, family, and the world.


DoubleR Official channel! Subscribe for all latest Music Video's performances, behind the scenes and more ...more ...more youtube.com/channel/UCWNe-C2h02H_- ...

The iZotope Vocal Doubler

In the final video of the course, we take a look at the iZotope Vocal Doubler and see how it's used. This video also shows how this device ...

The DoubleR Clan

Family of four ‍ ‍ ‍ Documenting the adventures, and misadventures, of everyday life as we travel , drink coffee ☕️, watch the kids grow, and enjoy the ...

YouTube Doubler

YouTube Doubler: Twice the Fun - Play 2 YouTubes at Once.

Youtube Multiplier

Play from 2 to 8 YouTube videos at once, with global control. More images, more videos, more sounds, more fun! Make enjoyable mashups and share them.


YouTubeDoubler(http://youtubedoubler.com/)wasawebsitewhereanyonecouldembedtwoYouTubevideosintoawebpage.Eachvideocouldbesettostartata ...,r/youtubedoubler:Thebestplacetoshareyouryoutubemash-ups!Musicovertrailers,musicbehindspeeches,perfectlymatchingscenes,twovidsfor…,Hereyoucancreatehilariousvideomashupsinminutes!Here'showitworks:Choosetwovideosfromdifferentplatforms(likeYouTube,DailyMotion,Vim...