
YouTuberecentlylaunchedtheFeathersupportfeaturetotheirwebsitewhichismuchdiscussedamongthemasses.,Ifyoudonotknowwhatisfeatherbeta,itisafeaturethatletsyoustreamvideosfromtheappwithoutbuffering.Itisalsopossibletoviewvideosinfull ...,2012年7月18日—Th...。參考影片的文章的如下:


"Feather" Support In Youtube

YouTube recently launched the Feather support feature to their website which is much discussed among the masses.

How to Get Feather Beta for YouTube

If you do not know what is feather beta, it is a feature that lets you stream videos from the app without buffering. It is also possible to view videos in full ...

Join the YouTube Feather Beta to Trim the Fat from ...

2012年7月18日 — The YouTube Feather beta is designed to give YouTube viewers the fastest viewing experience possible, at the expense of on-page features ...

Join YouTube Feather Beta For Clean And a Faster YouTube

YouTube Feather is a YouTube program to give you a better, father and smoother YouTube experience. Join the YouTube Feather Beta now.

Load Youtube Videos Faster with YouTube Feather Beta

2012年7月25日 — To enjoy the YouTube video faster you must try the YouTube Feather Beta, when you enter the YouTube Feather Beta program you can see the lighter ...

YouTube Feather Beta

2009年12月6日 — YouTube Feather is a new YouTube Labs project to serve YouTube video watch pages with the lowest latency possible. Author. Martin Brinkmann.

YouTube Feather

2009年12月21日 — The “Feather” project is intended to serve YouTube video watch pages with the lowest latency possible. It achieves this by severely limiting the ...


YouTuberecentlylaunchedtheFeathersupportfeaturetotheirwebsitewhichismuchdiscussedamongthemasses.,Ifyoudonotknowwhatisfeatherbeta,itisafeaturethatletsyoustreamvideosfromtheappwithoutbuffering.Itisalsopossibletoviewvideosinfull ...,2012年7月18日—TheYouTubeFeatherbetaisdesignedtogiveYouTubeviewersthefastestviewingexperiencepossible,attheexpenseofon-pagefeatures ...,YouTubeFeatherisaYouTubeprogram...