How To Set Up ZSNES 1.51 To Play ROMS!



ZSNES 是超級任天堂(Super Nintendo) 電視遊樂器的模擬器, 由 ...

ZSNES 模擬器可以由模擬器介紹網站中取得. 遊戲ROM 可以直接到遊戲ROM 網站下載. 如何開始執行模擬器及遊戲? 將下載回來的ZSNES 模擬器解開後, 放入一個新建立的子目錄下.

ZSNES download

評分 4.8 (31) · 免費 · 遊戲 Download ZSNES for free. ZSNES is a SNES/Super Famicom emulator for x86 computers. It runs on Windows, MS-DOS and Linux/FreeBSD and supports mode 7, sound, ...

SNES ROMs FREE - Super Nintendo ROMs

These free Super Nintendo ROMs include top games that are popular among users like Super Mario World and Donkey Kong Country (V1.2).

ZSNES 1.51 Emulator

ZSNES 1.51 Emulator is available to download for Super Nintendo. This emulator works in maximum quality on the Windows platform and is developed by zsKnight ...

Utilities - ZSNES

It is a free software that helps you to play classic games that were running on the old Super Nintendo (SNES) game console.

ZSNES 1.51 SNES emulator for Windows

ZSNES 1.51 strong Super Nintendo Emulator download requires ROMs to play games. This Emulator is English (USA) Version and is the highest quality available.


ZSNES News. Notes about Win and DOS. The Win version of ZSNES requires DirectX 8.0 or greater to run. Otherwise you will get various missing dll errors.

ZSNES Home Page

It currently runs on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, and DOS. Remember that this is a public beta so don't expect this to run on your machine. Earthbound Files · News · Links · Compatibility


ZSNES是自由開放原始碼的SNES模擬器,主要以x86彙編語言寫成,有Linux、MS-DOS、Mac OS和Windows官方移植版本,以及一個非官方的Xbox移植。


評分 4.2 (14) · 免費 · Windows 你需要从互联网下载ROM;ROM是模拟器用来模拟这些游戏的文件。你需要下载它们,它们以.zip或.snes格式提供。在谷歌上搜索“下载S...查看更多. 3. 1. sgeragvr icon.


ZSNES模擬器可以由模擬器介紹網站中取得.遊戲ROM可以直接到遊戲ROM網站下載.如何開始執行模擬器及遊戲?將下載回來的ZSNES模擬器解開後,放入一個新建立的子目錄下.,評分4.8(31)·免費·遊戲DownloadZSNESforfree.ZSNESisaSNES/SuperFamicomemulatorforx86computers.ItrunsonWindows,MS-DOSandLinux/FreeBSDandsupportsmode7,sound, ...,ThesefreeSuperNintendoROMsincludetopgamesthatarepopularamonguserslikeSuperMarioWorldand...