IG 下載教學,6 個方法快速下載 IG 照片和影片
當我們在 Instagram 上看到喜歡的照片或影片,會想將他們下載到手機或電腦儲存起來,如果你想要高畫質的圖片或影片,就可以用本篇推薦的網站來下載。無論你是用 iPhone、Android 或電腦,都能透過即將介紹的這三個網站下載 IG 照片和影片,讓你免安裝任何 App 及軟體,即可下載喜歡的 IG 影像!
Instagram Download Button
Shortcut Keys (May not work in newer versions) Alt + i : Open the media in the new tab. Alt + k : Download the media. Alt + j : Next media in the multiple media post. Alt + l : Previous media in the multiple media post. The shortcut keys do not work on th
5、按一下下載按鈕生成結果。 Qoob Stories將下載Instagram照片並直接保存到您的PC上。 Click the Download button. 提示:. Click the Arrow symbol on ...
Microsoft Edge Addons
Instagram Download: Instagram extension for downloading videos, photos, stories and IGTV videos straight from Instagram to your device. Report abuse. Version. 4.0.2 08, July, 2020.
This script will add a download button and open button to your Instagram and you can download or open profile pictures and media in the posts, stories, and highlights by one click. If any problem, please feel free to contact me in English or Chinese and a