UltraExplorer v1.5.0.3 - 多功能檔案總管

UltraExplorer v1.5.0.3 - 多功能檔案總管

UltraExplorer 是一個具有資源總管的所有功能的免費檔案總管,還提供了了許多增強功能。它使用Delphi編寫,使用了VirtualTreeview、tb2k、Tnt Unicode Control、TBX等許多控件。

UltraExplorer是以標籤瀏覽和多視窗介面為基調,它並無提供豐富的附加功能,但是提供了自由度機高的工具列、視窗欄位訂製能力。為用家 提供自訂適合自己的瀏覽方式,這正是UltraExplorer最大的特色。

UltraExplorer is the testbed for Mustangpeak Delphi and CBuilder Components.  It is designed to be the ultimate File Manager for Microsoft Windows.

The user interface is completely customizable.  You can hide or show as many of the featured windows, dock them in other places or let them float as free standing windows.  The same is true for the tool bars as well.  You can even move buttons from toolbars to other toolbars and assign your own short cuts keys.



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