26 Jan 2015 ... Version Note: The 32-bit and 64-bit packages of Raw Therapee sometimes have different version numbers. When they do, we combine them ...
The development team is happy to announce the beta version of RawTherapee 2.4. The aim of this release is to give possibility to the users to test and report ...
We will shortly be moving to a new server which may result in temporary downtime. If the website and forum do not work, simply come back a few hours later, ...
The fixes include a correction to the version number used by RawTherapee which is stored in the sidecar files and used by the installer (now the installer will not ...
RawTherapee is a powerful, cross-platform raw photo processing program, released under the GNU General Public License Version 3 and written in C++ using ...
The RawPedia wiki contains articles which describe every tool and topic related to RawTherapee, and more. Reading it will answer most of your questions, it will ...
RawTherapee is a powerful, cross-platform program for developing digital photos in raw formats. Please read this short notice before posting. Found a bug?
擁有單眼數位相機或是一般數位相機的使用者有福了!擔心出去遊玩的照片拍壞了嗎?若你的相機有支援 Raw 檔的拍攝,你一定不能錯過這款 RawTherapee 色彩調整的軟體,若你的相機不支援 Raw 檔拍攝也沒有關係,因為這套軟體同時支援了 JPG 的檔案格式,讓你就算沒有高檔的單眼相機也可以享受調整圖片的樂趣。