Public DNS Server Tool is a small utility for changing the DNS servers in PC. You can use a Public DNS Server Tool to either set a group of DNS servers
New in Public DNS Server Tool 2.1: Now reads servers from servers.ini that should be in same folder as this program If servers.ini is not found, then creates a default one Updated public DNS servers for the default servers.ini file Removed descriptions fo
2013年11月12日 - Public DNS Server Tool free download. Get the latest version now. Setting up DNS servers is not an easy task. Set your DNS servers in ...
This database contains public DNS Servers that are reachable by IPv4 or IPv6. Currently there are 41,504 Nameservers from 213 countries in the database.
Public DNS Server Tool 是一個很方便的工具,能讓你在 Windows XP, Vista 或 7 裡快速變換 DNS 伺服器。近來出現許多開放式 DNS 服務,包括先前曾經介紹過的 OpenDNS、Google DNS 或 Norton 等等,這些服務提供更快、更安全的上網環境,而且每
A list of public and completely free DNS servers, plus instructions on how to change them. This DNS server list was last updated in February 2017. Free and Public DNS Servers Search the site GO Internet & Network Basics Guides & Tutorials Tips &am
Public DNS Server Tool Freeware - an easy way to change your DNS servers ... No user reviews available yet. Be this first to post a review... Rate this software
網路會通不代表一定能瀏覽網站,得透過 DNS 來反查網站的 IP 位置,根據反查的結果再向網站伺服器要求存取網頁,近來因為 Facebook 夜間緩慢的問題,許多人都以更換 DNS 的方式來尋求更順暢的速度,對熟悉電腦的人來說,換 DNS 是非常簡單的一件事情,不過若只是平凡老闆姓的話,我想根本懶得看教學吧!因此還是一靠軟體工具最實在,Public DNS Server Tool 就是一套能夠快速切換 DNS 的工具,而且列出了許多公開的 DNS 伺服器,使用上更加方便。