豪智放大鏡 v1.0.0.1
豪智放大鏡 v1.0.0.1


股場放大鏡:跌市配股中電新能注資遲| 蘋果日報| 財經地產

2007年8月16日-股場放大鏡:跌市配股中電新能注資遲...1,001.02:00am.【精品家居搶先睇】V形木紋L形框75萬玩建築美.993.12:45am.【B1頭條】嚴防走資刺激離 ...

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ID3 renamer

ID3 renamer, free and safe download. ID3 renamer latest version: Rename MP3 files in batch. ... We use own and third party cookies to improve our services and your experience. This includes to personalise ads, to provide social media features and to analy

ID3 Renamer - Free download and software reviews

From Jiri x2 Cincura: ID3 Renamer is used to rename a large number of files in a directory accordingly to their ID3 description and a given "formula" (e.g. (%Track) %Artist - %Title). Such a function is pretty "smart", as it lets you a


Download Download How to install ID3 renamer? It's pretty easy. Just download the package, unpack it to your favorite place and double click on ID3renamer.exe. That's it, you're done. To run it you need .NET Framework 4.5 (or newer) that is ge

More info

ID3 renamer can also create a new tag if there is none in the file yet; it lets you easily write into new files too. You can also fill the tag with information from the filename (alike the renaming process). Just type in the pattern, definition of informa

Advanced Renamer

These tags only work on MP3 files with an ID3 Tag. These tags will insert the ID3 Tag into the filename. If a file contains both ID3v1 and ID3v2, only one of them is used. Use the Settings Dialog to change in which order Advanced Renamer should look for .

魚樂無窮:萬順昌步入收成期| 蘋果日報| 財經地產

2013年6月4日 - 主要從事鋼材貿易及浴室用品分銷嘅萬順昌(1001),近期股價拾級而上,噚日一度逆市創新高,現價估值依然吸引,值得望多兩眼。 萬順昌強勢,與 ...

旺角豪畔酒店賺2倍沽出| 蘋果日報| 財經地產

2010年1月26日 - 剛成交的豪畔酒店總樓面15154方呎,共有40間房,以成交價6160萬元 ... 05:48am. 【美股戰報】特朗普揚言改革稅制美股三大指數創新高. 1,001 ...

單幢樓配套齊鄰近自動扶梯高雲臺650萬進駐西半山| 蘋果日報

2009年6月10日 - 高層B室1001方呎叫價:790萬元呎價:7892元備註:山景租值/回報:2.3萬 ... 低層B室1001方呎成交價:622萬元呎價:6214元成交月份/備註:4月/樓 ...


What are the abilities of ID3 renamer?: Useful if you need to rename a large number of files in a directory accordingly to their ID3 description and a given "formula" (e.g. (%Track) %Artist - %Title). Such a function is pretty "smart",


Fixed bug in starting ID3 renamer via context menu (it was not working well). 2.15.8 * Changed variable '%OriginalFileName' to '%OriginalName'.! Fixed behavior of %OriginalName: for file return filename (without extension), for folder the

豪智放大鏡 v1.0.0.1

豪智放大鏡 v1.0.0.1


豪智放大鏡 v1001

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