PCI-Z 1.3 檢測電腦上的 PCI 裝置資訊

PCI-Z 1.3 檢測電腦上的 PCI 裝置資訊

通常幫別人安裝電腦的時候,最怕的就是連驅動程式都沒有,系統安裝後就一堆莫名的裝置,偏偏電腦又卡在邊邊角角很難拿到的位置,上面又堆滿了東西,打開之後還要幫忙清理灰塵等等,實在是最苦命的好人!這時候若是透過 PCI-Z 就可以輕鬆解決莫名裝置的困擾,能夠幫忙偵測主機板上的裝置有哪些,這麼一來只要找到驅動程式就大功告成囉!

  • 偵測所有的 PCI、PCI-X、PCI-E 裝置
  • 幫忙尋找統的驅動程式
  • 單一檔案的免安裝程式
  • 輸出裝置報表與驅動問題
  • 每天更新 PCI ID 資料庫


PCI-Z 1.3.rar(ZippyShare下載)
PCI-Z 1.3.rar(Uploading下載)
PCI-Z 1.3.rar(MediaFire下載)
PCI-Z 1.3.rar(Rapidgator下載)
PCI-Z 1.3.rar(本站下載)
檔案大小:982 KB


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PCI-Z is a lightweight application that provides you with valuable information about the PCI devices installed on your system. As a consequence, you can start looking for the appropriate drivers and make sure all hardware is up to date and running properl

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2015年12月8日 - PCI-Z is a lightweight system utility designed to provide information about PCI (PCI-E, PCI-X...) devices and help you find appropriate device ...

PCI-Z - Free download and software reviews

From Bruno Banelli: PCI-Z is a freeware lightweight system utility designed to provide information about (unknown) PCI (PCI-E, PCI-X) devices. PCI-Z is designed for detecting unknown hardware on your Windows based PC. It will help you determine vendor, de

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2016年2月15日 - PCI-Z turns to be a useful tool when you need to find out what kind of PCI device you...

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2016年2月15日 - PCI-Z 1.4下载是PCI-Z是免费的轻量级系统工具,提供PCI信息的侦测.

New: PCI

2015年12月8日 - PCI-Z Portable 1.3 has been released. PCI-Z is a lightweight system utility designed to provide information about PCI (PCI-E, PCI-X...) devices ...

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2014年4月22日 - 簡介: PCI-Z是一款輕量級的系統工具,可以檢測PCI的資訊,此工具也可用於檢測未知設備的資訊,支援PCI-E,PCI-X等設備,由於軟件剛剛推出, ...


PCI-Z Windows 10 download - Utility that provides info about PCI devices. - Windows 10 Download.