This application takes a "snapshot" of the folder structure on your harddrive and saves it as an HTML file. What's unique about Snap2HTML is that the HTML file uses modern techniques to make it feel like a "real" application, displ
Snap2HTML 是一款创新的应用程序,它能够将硬盘上的文件夹结构“快照”保存为HTML文件。 与传统的文件夹导出工具不同,Snap2HTML生成的HTML文件采用了现代技术,使其具有类似“真实”应用程序的交互体验。 用户可以通过树形视图轻松导航文件夹,查看其中的文件内容。 此外,Snap2HTML还内置了 文件搜索 功能,并支持将数据导出为纯文本、CSV或JSON格式。 最重要的是,所有这些功能都被封装在一个独立的HTML文件中,便于存储和分发。 Sna
Snap2HTML takes a "snapshot" of folder structures on your harddrive and saves as HTML files. What's unique about Snap2HTML is that the HTML file uses modern techniques to make it feel more like a "real" application, similar to Wind
14 Jun 2014 ... Snap2HTML Freeware - save a folder snapshot as HTML.
Snap2HTML - Create fancy dir listings
Snap2HTML takes a "snapshot" of folder structures on your harddrive and saves as HTML files. What's unique about Snap2HTML is that the HTML file uses ...