管理你的人生,帶領它走向幸福的手環-Jawbone UP2智能手環

管理你的人生,帶領它走向幸福的手環-Jawbone UP2智能手環

阿威是個年過30的上班族,這天晚上,已過了下班時間,他鼓足了勇氣,起身往隔壁的業務部門走去,準備要做一件他想了非常久的事情。 他懷著忐忑不安的心,走到了業務部門的門口前,眼睛往裡頭望了望,看到了他想找的目標,呼的一聲吐了口氣,緩緩地走到某個位子旁停了下來,誰的位子呢?原來是素有業務部之花的Selina的位子,阿威走到正在加班的Selina身旁,鼓起勇氣想約

Jawbone UP2

Jawbone UP2 相關文章




There is a newer model of this item: UP2 by Jawbone Activity + Sleep Tracker, Black Diamond, Classic Flat Strap $23.99 (1,436) In Stock.

Edward:「生活教練戴上手!」Jawbone UP2 速測

2015年7月3日 - 近年主攻運動及生活監測的穿戴式裝置越來越多選擇,Jawbone 早前亦推出了UP24 的後代:UP2。官方講呢款智能手帶比上代更輕更易用,配合 ...

Wearing and Caring

Your UP2 is rain, splash and sweat-resistant. However, your band should be removed before showering, swimming or other extreme conditions (such as saunas ...

Resetting Your Band

Resetting your band can resolve difficulties syncing, poor battery life, vibration issues and more.

Pairing Your Tracker With the UP App

Instructions for connecting your UP2 band with the UP App.

Charging Your Band

To charge your band, you'll need each of the items listed below: UP2, UP3 or UP4 band; USB charging cable (included); A well-powered computer or standard ...

UP2 Support

Pairing Your Tracker With the UP App Instructions for connecting your UP2 ... Tracking Sleep UP2 automatically tracks your sleep each night, measuring the ...