Windows 10 Creators Update 快速直接升級,使用 Windows 更新小幫手
Windows 10 Creators Update 快速直接升級,使用 Windows 更新小幫手


Microsoft introduces Surface Studio and the Windows 10 Creators Update


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The Windows 10 Creators Update's best new features: Privacy tweaks, Paint 3D, and more

Windows 10 doesn’t behave like the Windows of yesteryear. Instead of a monolithic operating system replaced by a successor in a year or two, it’s more of a living, breathing entity—one that’s constantly changing with the release of massive new “named” upd

Windows 10 Creators Update to Arrive in Early 2017 With New Gaming, 3D, and Sharing Features

Microsoft's next Windows 10 release will be called Windows 10 Creators Update, and will be a free download for all users in early 2017. ... In addition to its new Surface Studio all-in-one and upgraded Surface Book, Microsoft also announced major new

Windows 10 Creators Update review

The Creators Update may not have everything Microsoft promised, but what's there is fun: gaming, inking, e-reading and more. Microsoft’s Windows 10 Creators Update offers the most significant upgrade to Windows 10 since its launch, splashing a bright,

Windows 10 Creators Update: You get 3D! Everyone gets 3D!

The free 2017 upgrade to Windows 10 puts an emphasis on virtual and augmented reality, letting you scan in real-world objects and interact with them as virtual "holograms." A free update to Windows 10, coming the first half of 2017, will bring 3

微軟Windows 10 Creators Update來了!

2017年4月12日 - 經過多次的測試版,微軟在美國時間4月11日(台灣時間4月12)正式向大眾釋出Windows 10首個重大更新Creators Update 。 版號為15063的正式 ...

The Creators Update

Introducing 3D in Windows 10Bring your ideas to life in 3D. The Windows 10 Creators Update has everything you need to capture, create, view and share in 3D. See how amazing the world is when you unleash your imagination in a new dimension. Turn 2D images

Coming soon starting with the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update

Starting with the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update arriving Fall 2017, further empower your creativity with new innovations & features - coming to Windows 10.

Get the Windows 10 Creators Update

Windows 10 will notify you when the Creators Update is available for your device. When it's ready, you'll be asked to review your privacy settings before ...

Windows 10 'Creators Update' arrives free of charge next spring

Get ready for features like "HoloTours" and a 3D version of Paint. The star of today's Microsoft keynote may be the new Surface Studio all-in-one, but its world still revolves around Windows 10. At today's event, the company revealed a l

有可能中Bug!Microsoft 呼籲暫時切勿手動安裝Windows 10 Creators ...

2017年4月28日 - 早於兩星期前Windows 10 最新的Creators 更新已經陸續推出,而當中有部份新功能如短期內暫緩自動更新亦備受讚賞。不過一如其他系統,每次 ...

Windows 10 Creators Update 快速直接升級,使用 Windows 更新小幫手

Windows 10 Creators Update 快速直接升級,使用 Windows 更新小幫手

Windows 10 Creators Update 原定在 4/11 可以更新,現在只要透過 Windows 更新小幫手就可以提前更新!什麼時候 Windows 更新也能變成熱門話題了?不是大家最討厭 Windows 更新嗎?不過這次來臨的更新相當不一樣,Windows 10 Creators Update 有專屬的遊戲模式提升遊戲性能、內建遊戲直播功能、Edge 瀏覽器管理分頁功能提升、電子書瀏覽功能、濾藍光夜間閱讀模式、浮動影片播放器、3D 版本小畫家、Windows Defender 防護功能的補強等等,有沒有超級心動想立刻升級呢?

Windows 更新小幫手:
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Windows 10 Creators Update 創作者更新

△ 開啟 Windows 更新小幫手可以看到當下的版本,以及即將要更新的版本為 15063,點選立即更新開始即可。

Windows 10 Creators Update 創作者更新

△ 慢慢地等待下載更新。

Windows 10 Creators Update 創作者更新

△ 重新開機之後會自動完成更新,整個升級時間我大概花了一個小時。

  • 遊戲模式提升遊戲性能
  • 內建遊戲直播與錄影功能
  • Edge 瀏覽器管理分頁功能提升
  • 電子書瀏覽功能
  • 濾藍光夜間閱讀模式
  • 浮動影片播放器
  • 3D 版本小畫家
  • Windows Defender 防護功能的補強
  • 增加農民曆、節氣等訊息

中文 Windows 10 Creators Update 詳細評測 : 打機快 9% + 隨時玩直播 + 小畫家畫 3D 圖
微軟推出 Windows 10 Creators Update 加乘你的創作力

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