防勒索軟體 Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business 企業級的免費防護
防勒索軟體 Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business 企業級的免費防護


[情報] Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business

最近勒索平息了。在卡飯看到這個,覺得卡巴佛心來著。https://go.kaspersky.com/Anti-ransomware-tool.html(安裝包)http://tinyurl.com/h4hgk72 ...

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Anti-Ransomware tool

Bugs i have found in kaspersky_anti_ransomware_tool_for_business_1.1.24.0_en By Henry2017, April 21 1 reply 621 views Ivan.Ponomarev June 1 Kaspersky antiransomware and ZoneAlarm, compatibility? By ptulkens, ...

Kaspersky Anti

Kaspersky Lab today launched Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business – a free software that offers complementary security to protect corporate users from ransomware. To identify ransomware behavior patterns and protect Windows-based endpoints ...

Download Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business

Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business is a tool created by Kaspersky to protect businesses following the WannaCry ransomware outbreak. Upon launch, you can run it as an administrator or specify your user account details. For the most part, it is a s

Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business (ghacks.net)

Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business is a free security product by Kaspersky to block ransomware on Windows machines. Designed for businesses who don't run other Kaspersky software, it is available for anyone as a free download on the official

Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool

Powered by the world’s most tested, most awarded security Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business will help protect your business from one of the fastest growing threats of 2016–2017. It’s built on the world’s most tested, most awarded security and is

Kaspersky Anti

Protect against ransomware and cryptomalware immediately! Works with most security software – you don’t need to have Kaspersky Lab’s security installed to use this tool! Access tips and advice for protecting your business!

Kaspersky Anti

As a countermeasure to the WannaCry ransomware which has rapidly infected hundreds of computers in numerous countries all over the world, developer Kaspersky has come up with a solution to prevent PCs from getting infected with WannaCry as well as other .

Free Ransomware Decryptors

Remove ransomware and download free decryption tools. Powered by Kaspersky Lab. PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS GAINS FROM RANSOMWARE THREAT FOR FREE Free Ransomware Decryptors Ransomware Faq العربية ...

防勒索軟體 Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business 企業級的免費防護

防勒索軟體 Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business 企業級的免費防護

電腦內的檔案被勒索並中毒還要嚴重,勒索病毒曾經讓不少人陷入大麻煩,卡巴斯基除了有推出免費防毒軟體之外,也有企業級的免費防勒索工具 Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business,企業級還免費有那麼好康嗎?根據鄉民情報這款具備了 Kaspersky Security Network 和 System Watcher 兩項功能,分別是雲端檔案鑑識和系統監控,簡單來說就是免錢主動防護,不過只會阻止迫害,無法刪除威脅,我想除了企業可以使用看看之外,個人用戶使用應該也不吃虧!


官方介紹:除了 ExPetr, WannaCry, Bitman, Onion, Shade, Mor, Locky, CryptXXX, Zerber, Shade, Crysis, Cryrar, Snocry, Cryptodef 和 Spora 之外,絕對還有更多種類的病毒正在嘗試綁架您貴重的資料並向您勒索金錢。 勒索軟體的變種客製服務對各企業的威脅,提升到了前所未有的層次。針對企業的勒索軟體攻擊在 2016 年增長了 11 倍,各種規模的公司正在被網路犯罪分子瞄準,他們惡意加密和保存受害方資料作為“人質”直到支付贖金為止。 五分之一的中小企業即使付出贖金,也從來沒有取回資料或解密檔案。但這並不意味著您的企業必須成為受害者…

  • 免費簡潔的工具,可以立即掃描、防止篡改和阻擋惡意加密程式。
  • 相容於多數市面上的防毒軟體 – 您不需要安裝卡巴斯基實驗室經過各種測試即獲得最多獎項的安全軟體才能使用此工具!
  • 取得安全提示和建議,保護您的企業!

軟體安裝後執行畫面就是這樣,沒有其他更多功能了,中間大按鈕是取得付費版本,小公司五台電腦授權的 Small Office  Security 版本,一年費用為 194.65 美金,50 台電腦的話,每台電腦費用一年不到 30 元美金,有效阻止檔案勒索也還算是可以接受的價格。



Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business.msi(官方下載)
Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business.msi(MediaFire下載)
Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business.msi(Rapidgator下載)
Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business.msi(ZippyShare下載)
Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business.msi(YunFile下載)
檔案大小:29.2 MB

Kaspersky Anti Ransomware Tool for Business

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