Review: That little tyke, Tyke, steps up for another exceedingly naughty release on Twisted Individual's Grid Recordings. First of all is the excellently entitled "Infected Headphones" with its scurrying synths, tongue-in-cheek faux newsread
Drum & Bass Dj/Producer signed exclusively to Playaz.. For bookings contact [email protected] or 01795 411555/01795 411556. London. 11 Tracks. 6224 Followers. Stream Tracks and Playlists from Tyke - Playaz on your desktop or mobile device.
使用 Mac 工作的朋友,偶爾會靈光乍現,靈感蜂擁而來,這時候 Tyke 就可以幫上大忙,沒有什麼複雜的功能,就是做筆記,可以把 idea、靈感等隨時寫在上面,軟體大小是目前看過 Mac 上最小的,只有 2.7 MB,看似可有可無的小工具,靜靜的沈睡在上方工具列裡,隨時為你待命,有種備受尊榮禮遇的感覺~