Official Google Fiber Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Google Fiber and other answers to frequently asked questions. ... Visit our Help Forum page and Google+ page Google Fiber Help Forum Post questions and view answers from othe
Google Fiber offers five options, depending on location: a free Internet option, a 100 Mbit/s option, a 1 Gbit/s Internet option, and an option including television service (in addition to the 1 Gbit/s Internet) and an option for home phone. The Internet
常常會被問到:「你家網路多快?」總不能說很快,講個數字比較客觀吧,或者要測試網路速度的時候,突然間找不到要怎麼測試?我自己就有時候遇到這樣的情形,這時就可以用 Google 自家推出的網路速度測試工具 Google fiber,一鍵就可以知道網路的上傳、下載速度為多少,過程大約 10 秒鐘內就測試完畢,測試時把其它吃網路速度的視窗關掉(遊戲、影片等)會比較準確喔!