His night vision is not quite good enough . 他夜間的視力達不到標準。A wonderful vision appeared to them . 一個奇怪的影象呈現在他們面前。Glasses are a corrective for faulty vision. 眼鏡可以矯正視力缺陷。He saw visions of a halcyon future . ...
Define visions. visions synonyms, visions pronunciation, visions translation, English dictionary definition of visions. n. 1. a. The faculty of sight; eyesight: poor vision. b. Something that is or has been seen. 2. Unusual competence in ...
Faith No More planen kein neues Album Faith No More wollen so schnell wohl doch keine neue Musik herausbringen. Das verriet Keyboarder Roddy Bottum in einem Interview - obwohl er vor einer Weile noch Gegenteiliges angedeutet hatte. » mehr