Please check Notepad++ v6.9.2 download page for more information about this version: Auto-updater will be triggered in few days if there's no critical issue found. If you find any regression or critic
MadEdit-Mod is a fork of MadEdit, a comprehensive text and hex editor available on multiple platforms. This tool was developed as a means of picking up where MadEdit left off, retaining the original features and adding new ones to improve the user experie
MadEdit 是個精巧的文字編輯器,具備了許多功能,像是語法顏色顯示、支援多種編碼(Big5,GBK,UTF-8/16/32)並可隨時改變編碼、十六進位/區塊模式、正規表示式搜尋與取代功能,MadEdit 目前在 Linux 與 Windows 平台上都可執行,也有中文語系檔,對中文支援良好,介面簡單清爽,開啟程式快速,是居家必備的文字編輯器。MadEdit Mod 前身為 MadEdit,不過 MadEdit 已經沒有再更新,MadEdit Mod 應該就是後續的軟體持續有在開發。