AkelPad 4.9.9 (4.9.8 中文版)
取代記事本的小巧文字編輯器- AkelPad,從選項→視窗模式(Options→Window mode)可以切換單一視窗(SDI)、多重視窗(MDI)、虛擬多重視窗(PMDI),建議切換為 ... 缺少字詞: 好 用 簡單 迷你
AkelPad Editor
AkelPad - is an open source editor for plain text. It is designed to be a small and fast. Features. Single window (SDI), multi-window (MDI) and pseudo ...
Plugins - AkelPad Editor
Different operations with text formating: - Sorts lines by string ascending. - Sorts lines by string descending. - Sorts lines by integer ascending. - Sorts lines by ...
AkelPad is a small, expandable text editor written for the Windows family of operating systems. It can also be run under Wine, an application which allows users ...
AkelPad - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
AkelPad是一個為Windows環境開發的輕量級開源免費文字編輯器,也可以在wine 環境下執行,並提供了X64版本。它被設計來作為Windows內建的記事本程式的替代 ...
開啟速度就是差了一截,不適合系統當預設的文字編輯器. 用起來也太複雜,我只有在寫code的時候才會用上面那些. 速度快的軟體,功能通常甚至還不如notepad. 缺少字詞: 迷你 | 必須包含以下字詞: 迷你