Floating Notes 手機浮動便利貼 App,一輩子置頂畫面最上層讓你不忘記事情
Floating Notes 手機浮動便利貼 App,一輩子置頂畫面最上層讓你不忘記事情


ColorNote - 彩色筆記記事本便箋便條便簽

ColorNote是一個簡單好用的記事本軟體。記下備忘、便條、email、簡訊、購物清單、待辦清單時,你會立刻感覺到它提供了你一個快速、簡單的記事 ...

** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

Floating-Rate Note

Floating-Rate Note - FRN: A floating rate note, also known as a floater or FRN, is a debt instrument with a variable interest rate . A floating rate note’s interest rate, since it is not fixed ...

Floating Stickies

Floating Stickies stay on top of all other apps, and allow you to quickly jot down notes for easy access from anywhere! Easily dock your stickies by dragging them ...

2020推薦10款實用的待辦事項App,行事曆、清單,時間管理 ...

以桌面便利貼、文字或行事曆列表的方式查看所有日程,並在事件到達之前發送提醒通知,有 ... 有支援語音輸入、共用行事曆、Android,iOS手機版和電腦跨裝置雲端同步、加入圖片、智慧同步Google行事曆等各種功能,通通免費下載,來看看自己適合哪一款吧~ ... Floating Notes浮動便利貼App,便條紙能一直顯示在手機桌面最上層。

Floating Apps把手機應用程式變成浮動視窗,一心多用~同時 ...

Floating Notes浮動便利貼App,便條紙能一直顯示在手機桌面最上層。(Android). Floating Notes是... 免費免安裝!Lalal.

Stickies Note (floating Notes)

It is easily dock Notes to the left side to keep your screen real-estate at full potential. Useful for quick note taking. Closing a note will delete its text. All stickies are ...

Floating Notes

Quickly create sticky notes that keep visible while using other apps. Write down all you need to remind and have it on hand whenever you need it. Easy to use ...

馬卡龍便利貼App推薦-用彩色便條紙寫日記、記事,漂亮好用的 ...

馬卡龍便簽-超療癒的手機便利貼App,利用五顏六色的便條紙,留下每日心情、寫日記、 ... 美好的片刻~不過目前僅支援iOS系統,Android則推薦使用ColorNote彩色筆記App, ... 前往下載馬卡龍便簽App(iOS),開始新增一則日記或待完成的事項。 ... 讓瀏覽器彈出的便條紙:Sticky Notes網頁便利貼 ... 支援中文字體,免註冊免費使用。

Idea Note - Floating Note, Voice Note, Voice Memo

Idea Note is a floating note-taking app. Fast is its main feature. You don't need to exit the current application. You can slide out Idea Note directly on the side and ...

What Is a Floating-Rate Note?

Floating-rate notes may also have what's known as a "cap" or "floor." A cap is a maximum interest rate the note can pay, regardless of how high the benchmark rate climbs, and a floor is the lowest ...

A Guide to Investing in Floating Rate Notes

Floating rate notes, being a more short-term instrument, typically set their interest rates around short-term benchmarks. This tends to result in a lower rate of return. Finally, due to their potentially volatile interest rates, floating rate no ...

Floating Notes 手機浮動便利貼 App,一輩子置頂畫面最上層讓你不忘記事情

Floating Notes 手機浮動便利貼 App,一輩子置頂畫面最上層讓你不忘記事情

旅行、生活、工作時有事情需要臨時紀錄,你都用什麼 App 呢?要從身上找出實體紙和筆的機會,遠比拿出一支手機還低出很多了,小編也一直在尋找是否有能夠快速筆記、提醒的工具,最近發現一款 Floating Notes 手機便利貼,你可以把它當作虛擬便利貼來使用,用 Floating Notes 建立的便利貼會一直懸浮在最上層,不論你正在滑 FB 還是回 LINE,它就是會一直保持在最上方,直到你事情做完並自己移除為止。電腦版便利貼可以參考:Stickies 8.0a 好用的視窗便利貼


可惜的是目前者款 App 只支援 Android 系統,iOS 的用戶小編改天再替大家看看有沒有適合的替代方案。Floating Notes 為免費 App,可在 Google Play 中免費下載。下載之後就會直接開啟,在螢幕上就可以看到小小的便利貼視窗。


便利貼的背景顏色可以依照任務的分類客製化,不論你開啟什麼 App,便利貼就是會一直保持在最上藏,就像有一個人一直提醒你要記得做 XXX 事情一樣,保證你不會忘記 XD


當然若你要看影片、玩遊戲,還是可以到設定中,將 Visible 選項關閉,就可以臨時關閉便利貼,便利貼本身的透明度也可以調整。按下便利貼中的「讚」圖示,就可以將便利貼收合。如果你常常有臨時紀錄事項、工作、任務的需求,不妨試試這款手機便利貼 App 吧。

Floating Notes ( Google Play 下載 )

安卓有推薦的手機便利貼 App 嗎?Floating Notes 免費下載

安卓有推薦的手機便利貼 App 嗎?Floating Notes 免費下載 相關文章
