2020年3月11日 — Latest Version: Rainmeter 4.3.1 LATEST. Requirements: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10. User Rating: Click to vote.
本文要介紹的「FreeGifMaker」是一款免費的線上GIF 產生器,主要要來推薦的功能 ... 中斷投影片播放,除了將影片檔案整個下載下來(參考線上影片下載工具),把影片 ... 已存在電腦超過30 年時間,雖然有些不合時宜但仍是被廣泛應用的格式之一。 ... iTube Studio for Mac 線上影片下載、轉檔軟體,限時免費 2011/09/14 在「 ...
Rainmeter allows you to display customizable skins on your desktop, from hardware usage meters to fully functional audio visualizers. You are only limited by your imagination and creativity. Rainmeter 4.1 Release - Rainmeter, desktop ...
Rainmeter 4.3.1 will run on Microsoft Windows 7 through 10. Windows XP and Vista are not supported. Version 4.3.1 fixes some issues with the 4.3 release SkinInstaller: Fixed the Load Layout combo box in SkinInstaller. Container: Fixed a ...